People think that their carpets only need to be cleaned when they look dirty but they don’t know thats too late. The damage has been done. Carpets are your filter for everything that comes into your home from outdoor air pollution, pollen, ash, smoke, vehicle exhaust, dust, dirt, oil, tar, gum,feces and tons of other pollutants . All these items are carried into your home on your shoes, clothing, skin, wind and these pollutants get caught in your carpet. These items not only cause permanent damage to your carpets by dulling, fading, staining, and wearing them. They also can cause health issues too. Especially for allergy sufferers. That’s why Shaw Industries recommends getting your carpets cleaned on a regular basis by a professional carpet cleaner and All Seasons Carpet Cleaning is the right professional for you. GIve us a call for all your cleaning needs 208-936-8197
The Butler System provides a full complement of cleaning and restoration services. From delicate upholstery cleaning to dual wand carpet cleaning for commercial complexes, The Butler System is the one truck mounted carpet-cleaning machine that will meet all your requirements. Ease of operation, simplicity of service and total reliability are distinctive advantages of The Butler System.
The Rotovac 360i is a Rotary Jet Extraction Power Head that utilizes rotating vacuum heads to thoroughly deep clean carpet with hundreds of multi-directional cleaning passes. The new and improved carpet cleaning head is equiped with 3 stainless steel shoes and three spray jets to create less overspray, more agitation and quicker dry times.
The Encapsulation Cleaning Process
Encapsulation fixes common commercial and residential carpet cleaning problems
It eliminates recurring spill stains and wicking. The crystallizing polymer encapsulates soil so it can be extracted with routine vacuuming. There is no sticky residue so it can't attract soil. What you'll see is incredibly bright and clean carpet, day-in day-out.
How soil affects carpet
Most dry soil in a commercial and residential setting can be readily removed by routine dry vacuuming. It’s the oily and sticky soils that attract and hold dry soil to the surface. The result is a dull, gray, and ugly appearance.
Encapsulation chemistry cleans better and helps carpet stay clean longer
The first step in effectively cleaning any carpet is to counteract sticky soils. The encapsulation chemistry surrounds each soil particle and crystallizes so it can’t attract other soil. The encapsulated particles release from the fiber and are easily extracted with normal vacuuming. And since there's no dirt attracting residue left behind, the carpet stays clean longer.
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